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Let's Get Fizzy!


Question, FIZZ Fam, how do you upstage the world’s best golfers worth hundreds of millions of dollars between them?


Pretty simple, ‘ey - you give the froth lord himself, Paul Fisher, a can of FIZZ EXTRA STRENGTH and let him storm the LIV Golf Adelaide event and the rest is now golfing folklore.


Long story short, he pours a shoey, mullet man and all round legend Cameron Smith politely declines - ya know, he was mid round in a bloody important golf tournament - leaving Fish with no other choice but to neck it himself.


Crowd goes wild (can we say, losing it, lol?).


Clip goes viral (three million views on Pauly’s Instagram alone, might we add).


PHOTO: Liv Golf

Show gets stolen, and it’s your boy Fish who’s making headlines around the world - not Lefty Michelson and it sure wasn’t Brooks (although his li’l bro Chase had a fair crack with his hole in one a coupla days later).


They don’t call it the Watering Hole for nuthin’.


Fast forward a few hours, and Fish is onstage going absolutely HAM and who does he spot in the wings? Oh, it’s none other than Cammy Smith .. and this time, he’s THIRSTY!


So let’s get LIVVY, Cameron!


On he goes, downs a FIZZ and it's right there on that very stage, he experiences the greatest moment of his life - bar none, FIZZ Fam.


In the meantime, Fish has gone rogue and announced a 24 flash sale on the Hard FIZZ world wide website for EXTRA STRENGTH, our new 6% alcoholic soda that’s not meant to be available till July.


Goddamn it, Fish.


So 2500 cans sell out in 12 hours, and the superstars back at FIZZ HQ have got a bit of work on their hands.


Golf is cool, again!


Fish is on his way back to Coachella.


And everyone knows about EXTRA STRENGTH when it was supposed to be a big bloody secret.


All in a weekend’s work for Fish.